Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Live Life

Hello, I'm hoping you are finding happiness in the Spring work that has involved us all.  I've basically sworn off other social media lately, because I've found it too politically oriented, and it leaves me exhausted. We have a sad situation on our hands here in Minnesota, but the path taken is a failure, and I'll have no part in it. So I'm just posting photos that I think might enlighten, and hope you are all doing well. I feel almost obligated to post this photo of one of my flowering crab trees, because it has always been an inspiration to me over the years. It isn't quite so spectacular this year due to the March thaw and re-freeze, but I still love it.

Awhile back this beautiful Lanium  ( Lamb's Ear) started blooming and I think it is really nice. Not everything has to be dramatic, and I would call this a subtle addition to my daily life. I'm thankful I planted it two or three years ago.

Ok, so now I will just say that without these glimpses of life and the other experiences that I have everyday on this desolate farm where I live, I don't know what I would do. I will never solve the world's problems. But the love of nature and friendliness with all people comes close to being the answer. I would advise you to stay off other social media for the coming month, as I have decided, post positively, love your family, and sleep well every night. Leave the negative aside, be kind. That's what  these cowslips mean to me...kindness.

My little Big Boy Byron wishes you the same. He's "tumble roasted, jumbo salted", just as the box says.

I hope you appreciate all the "beings" around you, whether they be spouses, children, parents, or even the little creatures that depend on you. You'll never regret it. Have a blessed and beautiful Summer.



  1. I suppose it's the circumstances we all find ourselves in at this terrible time, but your beautiful post brought tears to my eyes. In a good way, an appreciative way. Thanks, Phil. And hugs.

    1. Mama Pea, I wish you a lot of peace as you go about your daily chores. Thanks for your inspiring posts. Phil

  2. Phil, thank you! This is a beautiful post. My husband and I both feel pretty much the same as you these days. We no longer watch the news on TV. When on, the TV stays on the Western channels. My blog is the only social media around here. You tree is still beautiful, as well as your flowers. Byron is simply adorable. Glad we are in the country, away from the crowds and have our pets and wildlife to keep us company.

    1. I agree, we have a lot to be thankful. I watch a lot of ME-TV as I'm sure you do also. Saturday is good with all the westerns. Take care. Phil

  3. Thank you Phil for a daily dose of life. I too avoid social media of any sort except for my blog friends. Unfortunately a few of those have crossed my line so I have gone on hiatus until the flavor of it returns to what was there originally. If that doesn’t happen I will say good bye.

    1. Have a peaceful month ahead. Enjoy the days, there is a lot of beauty in every day. Phil

  4. Great post Phil. Love the photo of Byron! Good advice about social media. I'm thankful I never got involved with it. Lately, I try to avoid the news as much as possible. It isn't real news anyway.

    1. Thanks for the comments. I just spent a few hours planting more of my garden. It was well-spent away from tv. Have a beautiful Summer! Phil, Minnesota

  5. A lovely post full of common sense and great pictures.
    Your flowering Crabapple tree is amazing!
    Have a peaceful and enjoyable Summer.

    1. Thanks for the positive comments. I think you were the first to encourage me in my blogging. I hope you have a good weekend! Phil/Minnesota

  6. The flowering tree is such a delight, beautiful.

    1. Thanks. I see you have made such an effort to get by with the restrictions of the time. I love your posts and all the dramatic photos. Please take care of yourself and husband. Blessings. Phil/MN

  7. Wow your flowering crab is beautiful! I am trying to stay focused on the positive not the negative. Some days that is hard. Hope you are staying safe!

    1. Thanks for the post. I follow yours, but don't always comment, even though I try. I admire you for your perseverance and humor. Also your cool house. Phil, MN

  8. Your crab tree is so beautiful! I can understand how inspirational it would be! Yes, these times and what is going on, makes one want to just take a step back and stay out of it all! Keep safe and well.

  9. Very wise indeed.Enjoy all your photos. Thank you.

  10. What beauty you have to enjoy and be surrounded with.
    Our days are filled with nature's best, and fur babies of which we are most grateful :)
    Thank you for the lovely comment on the loss of my Oliver, it truly brightened my day.

    1. Thanks for your comment. I really never get over losing a pet, whether dog or cat. They kind of live on in us. Phil

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks for your comment. I hope you are enjoying August. I look forward to your posts. Phil

  12. Hello, thank you for always leaving a comment on my post. I can understand your tiredness and not wanting to post and I think we all go through the same thing at time. I do not have a lot to post about even once a week, so I try to at least once a month now. Stay safe and well

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Thank you for visiting in August.
    Good continuation of the week.

  15. Thank you for your visit;
    Every first day of every month has post
    new in the house;
    Have a good November entry
    and take care of that virus

  16. Hello Phil, you are alway so kind to stop and visit my blog and I just wanted to wish you a happy fall and hope you stay safe and well,

  17. Dear Phil ~ somehow I missed this post. I want to say thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comment. It's what caused me to come see what you've posted. This year has been quite a year! I also stay away from social media, having my blog and you tube for movies, documentaries, gardening, DIY, cooking, crafts, spiritually uplifting input. Living life every day has enough in it to contemplate and handle without all of the drama in main stream social media. ~ This is the month we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, I want to live a life of 'Thanks-living' every day. Be well, stay safe and give Byron a hug for me. ~ FlowerLady

  18. Just stopping by to wish you a blessed Thanksgiving!

  19. Just stopping by to wish you, Byron, Josey, and Annie a very happy New Year!

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  21. Hi Phil, I found your comments on my blog and was so happy that you stopped by. I wanted to stop by here to say hello. Hope this finds all well for you . Hope you can start finding time to blog again!

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I welcome your comments. Please avoid profanity and bitter, divisive political statements.